Manic & Medicated
Hi - I'm Carissa and welcome to Manic & Medicated. Discussing mental health, personal stories, true crime, important conversations & more. Allowing listeners to feel less alone and creating a safe space to be yourself.
Manic & Medicated
Why Do I Date Toxic People?
You're in a cycle of dating losers and you keep asking yourself, 'Why me?'. Well, sometimes it's you, you are making choices that are leading you to choose these people - but it's not all your fault. Sometimes we have generational trauma, parental woes, trauma bonds, the list goes on.. I'm breaking down how to see the flaws in ourselves while also realizing you're so deserving and you need to do better for YOU.
Love you, mean it.
Anxious vs. Avoidant Attachment Episode:
Spotify https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/manic-medicated/id1595383197?i=1000652987406
Apple Podcast https://open.spotify.com/episode/6MXyizJvaP1w92Ga50bmub?si=Qjo5PmyERNOOXF51yh_Nww
Link to Blog: https://c1992mccarthy.wixsite.com/sbeauty
Support The Show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/manicandmed
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Email: manicandmedicatedpodcast@gmail.com